Play the Guitar At Any Age
Why you’re never too old to learn to play the guitar
Whether or not there is a “best age” to learn the guitar or any instrument for that matter, is not a simple question to answer. People think the best age is a young age and that younger is better. It is true that many of the world’s most accomplished musicians and athletes began their training at a very young age and this shouldn’t come as a surprise. One of the most effective strategies for producing people of an exceptional skill is to begin their training early. This means getting the best guitar lessons in Philadelphia, practice, and determination.
The young mind is still forming. Demands that are placed on it will influence the way the mind develops. The adult mind is highly formable but in a different way. Training during childhood can help a young person achieve a wider margin of ability in adulthood. There may be advantages to starting guitar young but there are still many advantages of learning to play music as you age.
Children do not learn music faster or better than adults. Adult beginners learn much faster than children. They already have a framework of knowledge and strategies for learning that have been tested for many years. The adult mind can quickly create, test and adapt strategies for learning the guitar and they can learn relatively fast.
The ability to learn music can be genetic and some who want to learn may just never have the ability to do so. Talent can’t be taught but it doesn’t mean it should stop you at any age. The importance of talent is overestimated and most people would be much better off focusing on what is in their ability to control than wondering why they weren’t born a genius.
The vast majority of children who begin learning an instrument never really master it. It is true of everyone. They simply don’t accumulate enough practice experience to have exceptional ability. What it comes down to is how much work you are willing to put in to learn and grow in anything you achieve in life. In music practice, we are all engaged in a process of finding our own limits and pushing them farther.
There are adults who only began playing guitar in their retirement. Some adults picked up the guitar at a very late age but succeeded in honing their skills to a surprising level. If young people have an advantage when it comes to learning guitar, most of it can be attributed to a surplus of available practice years and the flexibility to grow their mind.
Worrying about whether you are too old to do something is likely to cause your worry to become true. The main reason some people are too old to learn guitar is that they believe it and this prohibits them from learning something new. If you are interested in learning that guitar, no matter what your age, consider guitar lessons in Philadelphia and see where your potential lies.