Myths About Learning Guitar
Top 6 Myths about learning guitar
Any subject, any art, any craft, and yes, any instrument will have myths and falsehoods that go along with them. Learning to play guitar is no different. Guitar instructors like Philadelphia’s David Joel have hear it all! We decided to compile a few of the more popular myths about learning to play guitar!
Myth 1: You need to start learning by a certain age
What’s the ideal to start learning guitar? There is a certain fascination with the mystery of musical excellence that motivates people to spread absurd theories, myths, and legends. There is not “ideal age” to start learning music. If you want to learn music, just do it, right now.
Myth 2: Music theory is pointless
Most professional musicians who know how to tie their own shoes also know the fundamentals of music theory. But some amateurs don’t, and they would love to waste your time by telling you music theory is pointless. All accomplished musicians have a profound understanding of how music works, although some who did not study music theory may not know the terminology used to express these things to other people. You don’t need to learn music theory to play the guitar, but you do need it to understand the guitar.
Myth 3: Talented musicians don’t take lessons
Most serious music learners see private lessons as one of the most important tools to have. And one is hard-pressed to think of a single respectable musician who has advocated against private lessons. If you don’t have a teacher, or money for lessons, you can learn on your own for the time being. But private lessons have served as the bedrock of music education for hundreds of years, and it’s not going anywhere.
Myth 4: Reading music is a waste of time
Like so many of the myths of learning guitar, here is another one created by insecure players for the purpose of protecting their egos. You can learn to write, record, and produce songs and preform complicated music without learning to read standard notation. However, most musicians can either read music, or wish they had the chance to learn. Anyone who can’t read music and says it’s a waste of time is lying.
Myth 5: You can learn everything online
No. No, you can’t. There are some good websites but most musicians and teachers with advanced experience and knowledge are not slaving away to give their services away for free. If you have the chance to spend time with some accomplished musicians, you’ll be amazed by the volume of knowledge and wisdom you can learn that simply hasn’t been published anywhere. Time spent with a teacher who focuses on what you want to do is a very crucial tool.
Myth 6: So and so didn’t learn X, couldn’t play Y, or didn’t do Z
Maybe not a full myth but rather an error in logic. One of the most common justifications used for poor technique, bad practice habits, etc. is made by drawing comparison to a real person. You can easily get lost if you spend too much time worrying about how someone else would do it.
There’s a lot of misinformation about learning guitar. Your best bet is to take everything with a grain of salt and study from as many sources of information as you can, then form your own conclusions. Don’t believe the guy in the music store. Solve problems through more practice and find your own correct way.
If you want to learn to play the guitar the correct, and often easier way, find a great teacher to help you on your journey. The David Joel Guitar Studio, with private one-on-one lessons, is a great place to start!
Visit the David Joel Guitar Studio today!
Phone: (215) 831-8640