Learn Guitar with a Philadelphia Teacher
Why it’s never too late to learn guitar
While many guitarists starting playing at an early age, many guitar players who started out in their 30’s or 50’s and beyond do an amazing job as well. Perhaps the timing wasn’t right when they were young, they couldn’t find the right teacher or they were just too busy learning other life lessons. If you think, “I am too old to learn,” think again. You are never too old to learn anything. You grow old when you stop learning. Taking guitar lessons with a professional Philadelphia-based guitar teacher is not about how old you are, it is about how passionate, creative and happy you are.
Guitar players are passionate and motivated no matter what age they are. While you can achieve a lot with discipline at an early age, you can achieve just as much, if not more with focus and passion as you get older. If you still need convincing that it’s never too late to learn, keep reading as we explain why you should go for it and fulfill that lifelong dream of yours.
It’s easy to start
Don’t be intimidated by the guitar. It actually is quite easy to start and within a couple of weeks, you will be playing many chords. As you progress, its gets more challenging but more exciting.
Younger students take guitar lessons because the cool kids are doing it. Adults tend to be more sincere in their motivation. They tend to want to learn and truly are fascinated by the idea of learning. It comes from the heart and when it starts there, anything is possible.
Advantages of being a grown up
As you get older, you gain more life experience. You are smarter, wiser and just plain older! That earns you some rights that the younger folks just don’t have. All of these things combined will have an impact on your playing and learning. You also understand that you can enrich your life by taking the next step and learning how to play guitar. This affords you new life opportunities. Children aren’t always aware of this concept.
Be consistent
Children tend to have short attention spans because everything is new to them and they want to explore. It’s a good quality to have as a youngster, it’s also necessary to stick with something and explore so you will improve. As adults, we tend to learn something because we are interested in growing and learning as much as we can about it. As adults, we have the advantage of having more consistency.
Guitar playing as an adult will lift you up, relieve stress and make you feel accomplished. There is no reason why you shouldn’t learn guitar at any age and just because you are older is no exception. It’s your time to learn and improve. Go at your own pace and soak it all in. Take Philadelphia guitar lessons with the David Joel Guitar Studio and have fun!