Category Archives: Benefits of Guitar Lessons in Philly
How to find the best guitar teacher in Philadelphia It isn’t one size fits all when it comes to guitar lessons or teachers. Finding the best guitar lessons is really important and searching for the right guitar instructor is the key to it all. Not all teachers are the same, however. Each teacher has his […]
The Hidden Benefits of Learning Guitar: Mind, Body and Soul, from a master guitar teacher in Philadelphia A lot of research has been done regarding the benefits of learning to play a musical instrument, such as the guitar. It is a known fact that the more you learn and practice something, the better you become. […]
The Guitar Studio In this day and age, we find anything we need off the Internet. YouTube is a world of how to’s and instructional videos to learn just about anything. While it is inevitably a true time saver, the human touch is still largely needed in order to fully achieve anything in life, including […]
The Benefits of Music Lessons for Children and Young Adults Between academics and sports, your children’s lives are pretty hectic. Sports are great for keeping them active. It teaches them about sportsmanship and having an activity they will hopefully continue to do. But creatively, you want to make sure they are using other talents to […]