Find the Right Guitar Teacher in Philadelphia
Teaching yourself how to play guitar can actually be preventing you from getting better!
If you have taught yourself how to play guitar, congratulations! If you’ve hit a brick wall with your teachings, we’re sorry. Understanding why this is happening is as important as figuring out how to fix it. This is happening because you are self-teaching yourself through YouTube videos and mimicking the greats. Good for you if it got you somewhere. But now, you are stuck and can’t get creative. The truth is, you may be getting direction online but you aren’t getting the structure and solid teaching that you actually need to become better.
The good news is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is no point in spending years and years trying to teach yourself when you can learn from a highly motivated guitar instructor in a short amount of time. Finding good guitar lessons in Philadelphia is easier than you think. If you are self-taught and have hit a wall, there are some questions you should be asking yourself. And then you should find the right teacher to fix everything.
Who do I listen to?
Searching for hours and hours on Google, looking for an answer to your guitar related questions is simply a waste of time. First of all, Google is a search engine, not a person. You can search for a good guitar teacher on Google but asking it technical guitar questions probably isn’t going to garner you a qualified answer.
What should I be practicing?
You should be practicing a large amount of techniques and exercises in an organized fashion. A good, qualified guitar teacher will tell you what to practice and when. Looking for answers elsewhere is going to confuse you very quickly.
Can you overcome your guitar playing issues?
Of course you can. But can you do it alone is the bigger questions. The problem is, if you don’t know what you are doing wrong in the first place, how are you going to fix it? Being self taught means you are uneducated in the area of fixing problems. A trained ear can pinpoint the problems rather quickly, get your corrected and on you’re way to bigger and better things.
Will I ever get better?
That question is totally up to you. When you decide to take your guitar playing to the next level by finding a teacher to guide you, you will stop losing time trying to fix the same problems you currently have. A good teacher will get you past your frustrations that are holding you down and get you over the hump.
Once you commit to a guitar teacher who can set goals, create a strategy, teach, instruct and implement for you, your frustrations will be few. You can dedicate yourself to practicing, instead of trying to find answers, and ultimately you will increase your ability to play guitar.