Learn Guitar in Northeast Philly
Learning to play guitar, or any instrument for that matter is an endeavor and undertaking of the heart. An enormous amount of fun, thrill and personal enjoyment, it requires focus, patience, perseverance and a drive to learn more about one’s own innate abilities to actually play music while investigating a subject that is over 35,000 years old.
Every individual has their own unique goals and targets they want to attain. Whether it’s to learn classical repertoire such as a Bach Prelude or pieces by Villa Lobos, rip on blues licks by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Muddy Waters and Jimi Hendrix, favorite jazz standards or new pop and classic rock tunes, the individual learning will need to study and learn guitar technique (the proper and most advantageous usage of both hands on the instrument), gain the ability to read in standard musical notation or tablature (as a less desirable method) and practice on a regular daily basis to experience improvement and reach their dreams.
Discovering the right instrument for you:
There are many reasonably priced guitars on the market today. You’ll be able to get more guitar for your money as a beginning guitarist in an acoustic than an electric, plus if you play electric you’ll have the additional expense of paying for an amplifier as well. You can find a very decent acoustic guitar for a beginner for $200 and up; that’s relatively inexpensive for such a powerful, self-expressive, enjoyable and intellectually stimulating pastime!
Finding a guitar teacher:
There are many schools of thought regarding learning how to play the guitar.
- Should you find a teacher for guitar lessons?
- Should you learn from friends?
- Should you study guitar from the internet?
- Do you try to learn from a book or video, etc?
Probably the most tried and true traditional method is to find a qualified guitar instructor. If you find one who really knows the instrument, can play well, actually knows how to teach and instruct without confusing you and is a good human being with whom you can relate, then you’re doing pretty well! This will be the simplest and most effective path, as you’ll be learning from someone who has a well trodden and workable method/curriculum. Every teacher works differently with his/her students, however learning your guitar and music basics from an individual who knows what they are doing and really wants to help you will be the most workable way to ensure you will be able to achieve your goals.
Practicing Your Instrument:
Guitar playing and practice can be extremely rewarding and will require you to set aside time each day to work on your goals of learning the language (scales, chords and rhythms), playing musical exercises, tunes and pieces and when you’re ready – learning songs off recordings and also jamming with others.
Learning the guitar is an extremely rewarding experience. It is something you will develop for the rest of your life. Your musical path will be of your own unique creation which you will be able to share and enjoy with others. It is an ability that will be your’s alone and can never be taken from you, a very personal experience that you will create as your heart, mind and soul desires and will allow you to grow as a person.
David Joel is a former Berklee College of music instructor who teaches guitar in his Northeast Philadelphia music studio. David offers one on one, personal instruction, teaching you the music you want to learn. From beginners to experienced guitar players.