Learn To Play The Guitar With David Joel
Life lessons to learn from playing the guitar
What we choose to do with our time determines the lessons that form our lives and values. It is a life choice to follow in anything we do and learning to play the guitar is no exception. When we decide to take guitar lessons in Philadelphia, we are making a choice not only to learn something new (and something really cool, we might add) you are shaping your life to learn other lessons as well.
Find Passion
Being passionate about something will determine how well we figure out how to do it or make it work for us. Sometimes our biggest struggles in life turn us on to something that we ultimately become passionate about. Maybe you have struggled with health issues and music is what helped you get through some of your hurdles. Music may be your escape from bad things that are going on in your life. The guitar can be the passion that comes out of it.
Improve on the guitar, improve your life
Learning to play the guitar is a great way to build technical skills and the more you improve your playing the more you can improve in other areas of your life. Improving in areas of the guitar such as speed or rhythm is great as it adds to the greater goal and that is perfecting your own playing. In life being stronger, faster, richer, etc. are all great things to improve on as well. By having the confidence in guitar playing through improvement, you will have the confidence to improve in other areas of your life as well.
Sticking to a habit you enjoy
Many people try to adopt a new diet, start going to a gym or learn a new skill to improve their lives only to quickly fail at it. Unless you are being emotionally rewarded for something, you are eventually going to stop doing it, no matter how much willpower you may have. You need to find a way to make exercise fun or find a way to reward yourself for successful dieting. The emotional rewards of playing the guitar may be the new habit you are looking for so stick to it.
Rely on others
Playing guitar by yourself and teaching yourself gets very boring. You should practice with others and learn from someone else. This is a way to improve. Being and doing things with others, no matter what it is, is the best way to learn. Relying on others to help you through any hurdles in life whether it is a health issue or just getting a riff on the guitar right is the best way to grow and learn.
Like anything in life, we learn lessons along the way, hoping that these lessons will help us grow and become better versions of ourselves. When you take guitar lessons in Philadelphia, you are learning not just how to play the guitar, but you are taking away life lessons that can be applied to any area of your life going forward. In Philadelphia, the best place to learn is at the David Joel Guitar Studio. With one on one lessons, you are sure to find that passion in the guitar you are looking for and stick to it.