Rock Out with Guitar Lessons
Rock out in the new year
Instead of making your normal new year’s resolution to work out, how about resolving to rock out? Check out our top 10 resolutions for you, the guitar player.
Play more often
Just play more. Whatever works for you. If you play twice a week right now, resolve to play three or four times a week. If you play for 30 minutes a day, play for an hour. Just make an effort to play more.
Learn a new music style
Learning a new style is a great way to reignite your guitar love. Maybe you are a rock guitarist. Imagine if you learn country. You’d not only have two styles down, but you could also borrow from each genre to create your own original sound.
Switch it up
If you’re an acoustic player who’s never played electric, or vice versa, you should resolve to switch it up. Learning a different form of guitar will open new worlds for you and your playing.
Take guitar lessons
Lessons are an excellent resolution idea and working with an instructor is a great way to up your skills. Even if you aren’t new to playing, working with a teacher can help you branch out and find new inspiration.
See more music
Inspiration is great. You see a music performance and suddenly you’re inspired to write music. But inspiration, like everything else, goes away if you don’t keep feeding it. So go see more live music (safely please).
Up your equipment
Using a rope as a guitar strap or credit card as a pick? This coming year, resolve to get legit with your equipment. You’ll not only look better, but you’ll also want to play more.
Learn how to record your own music
With programs like GarageBand, it’s easier now than ever to record your own music. You can find loads of tutorials online.
Form a band
A band can be as small as two people. Just find a friend who plays another instrument, and you have a band! You find more inspiration when you jam with like-minded people.
Get active in an online community
This is a great way to discover new music as well as show off your original stuff. It gives you an outlet and a way to receive honest criticism as well.
Learn to play something grand
This year, if you want to blow the other resolutions out of the water, resolve to learn something masterful like Van Halen’s Eruption solo. You may not be Eddie Van Halen, but you can have fun trying!
Even if you pick just one of these resolutions, your 2021 is going to rock. Any other New Year’s resolutions you can think of? Let us know! Then make sure you fulfill resolution number four and come visit the David Joel Guitar Studio. We’re waiting for you!
Phone: (215) 831-8640