Private Guitar Lessons
Making the most of your private guitar lesson
If you want your guitar lessons to go well, your teacher will need a few things from you. Without good students, there are no good teachers, after all. Chat with Philadelphia’s David Joel and see how he can help you with your guitar lessons.
Come to your lesson on time, and don’t miss lessons. Honor your commitment so that you will get the most out of your session.
Practice daily
Make a goal and stick to it. There is no such thing as a person who doesn’t have time to learn, only people who are too preoccupied with other things in order to make that time.
Take notes
The fastest-learning students are those who organize their practice by setting goals, taking notes, and keeping a record of their practice. This also shows your teacher that you are committed to continue learning and doing a good job.
Get into the rhythm
If your teacher assigns you an exercise, make sure that you spend some time on it during the week. Just as you cannot walk left and right at the same time, you cannot make progress with your teacher if you are both trying to move in different directions. Sometimes this means you need to make a compromise. Any progress is better than none, so do yourself and your teacher a favor and spend time on the lesson materials.
Give feedback
Your teacher is there to help you. Even if they are the best guitar in the world and you want to be just like your teacher. No matter how much you might love your teacher, their job is to help you learn. You can only help your teacher do their job by giving feedback. Your teacher needs to hear it, so don’t hold back.
Watch the clock
If you see your teacher looking at the clock, it’s not because they are thinking about lunch time. It’s because teachers only have a few minutes with you each week and want to spend the time wisely. You can help by trying to stay focused on guitar during the lesson.
Good teachers are created by good students. The more committed you are to your learning, the more you will get out of your teachers. After all, you are the one learning to play the guitar. Your teacher is just a guide. A great learner can do wonderfully with an average teacher. But the world’s best teacher cannot make a guitar player out of a student who doesn’t practice.
If you are looking for private guitar lessons in the Philadelphia area, or online, give the David Joel Guitar Studio a call. David offers one-on-one lessons so that you are his sole focus during each lesson. We feel this is the best way to learn without distractions and with complete focus. Being a good student is just as important as having a good teacher who will help you learn and grow. But that teacher will only get you so far if you aren’t committed to the process.