Turn To Music For Healing
More people are turning to music to heal during this tough time
Many of us are turning to music, and not just listening to it, to help us cope during this coronavirus outbreak. Philadelphians are tough but we all need an escape from time to time.
It’s so soothing and relaxing to turn on some tunes and get lost in the music. Music has the power to heal and calm us. It brings joy to our lives and just one song, one note, can bring back a memory from long ago. During these trying times, music heals. Listening to your favorite is never wrong but right now many people are turning to not only listening but also making music.
If you’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument, sing or be in a band, now is the time to do it! With so much time on our hands, why not learn something new? Write a song, learn how to read music, get online, and find a teacher in Philadelphia. There is no better time than now!
One instrument that seems to be popping up all over the place is the guitar. It’s an easy instrument to handle because it’s portable (unlike, say, a piano!) so you can bring it from room to room with ease. There are so many online tutorials and so many teachers who would normally teach in person, are on video conferencing, live, just for you.
One teacher in the Philadelphia area doing these live lessons is David Joel from the David Joel Guitar Studio. David’s teaching has always been on a one on one basis because he feels the best way to teach and to learn is through uninterrupted interaction. This is how he is teaching online too. We are all working through new, unchartered territories these days so David’s decision to start teaching virtually was one that he did not make lightly. But David wanted his students to continue to learn and this, right now, was the only way to make that happen.
You can learn with David too. He teaches through Zoom, one student at a time. So you will have his full attention, through the good and bad. David will encourage you, explain to you when something isn’t quite right, and give you tips on how to practice and keep going until the next time you meet virtually. Then, when the pandemic is over, you can take lessons in his studio. You will continue to practice social distancing this way, as David does not teach more than one student at a time. So your safety is always first.
With more and more people wanting to learn to play an instrument, write music, or sing, we are going to be a world filled with harmony and more beautiful music when this pandemic is over. Learn to play the guitar right now by taking lessons. If you own a guitar, you can start right away! If you need to order one, talk with David and figure out the best guitar for you and what genre of music you are interested in.