Category Archives: Benefits of Guitar Lessons in Philly
Keeping the kids engaged @ home So your son or daughter had just started music lessons. You’ve found a kind and knowledgeable teacher, set up a practice space, and bought an instrument. And then the world went to hell in a hand basket. Now your child isn’t feeling motivated and they just don’t even want […]
The times they are a-changin’ As with everything, music and live entertainment have been severely impacted by the global coronavirus pandemic. The music industry is so linked with large audiences and live experiences, and when the seriousness of the outbreak became evident, the industry had to act quickly. A whole year of festivals, gigs and […]
More people are turning to music to heal during this tough time Many of us are turning to music, and not just listening to it, to help us cope during this coronavirus outbreak. Philadelphians are tough but we all need an escape from time to time. It’s so soothing and relaxing to turn on some […]
Now is the time to get back to guitar lessons! What are your musical goals? Perhaps you’ve never played an instrument before and want to for fun. Maybe you’ve been playing guitar for years and have run into obstacles and barriers to understanding music theory which has prevented you from putting the pieces together and […]
Ways to boost your spirit and relieve stress while in quarantine COVID-19 has been classified as a pandemic and governments worldwide have shut down regular communal activities and ordering everyone to stay home to quarantine the potentially sick and limit interactions. While these measures are in the best interest of everyone’s health and well-being, it […]
Pandemic survival strategies for musicians Times are tough if you are trying to make a living through music right now but there are ways you can keep yourself going without having to leave the house. To say things have gotten completely weird in the last few weeks would be putting it mildly. The COVID-19 pandemic […]
Reduce stress and anxiety: play the guitar If you’ve ever had a bad day and turned to music for relief, you already know something about how it works to reduce stress. Music is a natural soother and right now we all need some stress relief. Playing the guitar has a calming effect on the mind […]
How to clean your guitar Given the times we are living in, we need to make sure every surface is clean, that we are clean, and that our possessions are clean. Your guitar is no exception. Guitars can take a lot of wear and tear, but they are still delicate instruments. To prevent potentially costly […]
Learning the guitar takes time but how much exactly? Everybody who picks up the guitar wants to know one thing: how long will this take? What can be accomplished in a month? In a year? The answers may vary but there is one factor you can count on to measure your progress: total lifetime hours […]
The guitar is as popular as ever So why do naysayers think the instrument is dying? Headlines haven’t been kind to guitars. Slipping sales year over year doesn’t help and even Eric Clapton was quoted as saying that he wondered if the instrument was on its way out. “Maybe the guitar is over,” he mused, […]
How to avoid making mistakes while playing the guitar Some guitar players practice most days of the week, work hard, and are passionate about their guitar playing, but they always struggle to be able to play guitar the way they want. They are frustrated because they don’t improve fast enough, begin doubting their guitar playing […]
Guitar lessons are as popular as ever! In America today, some 20 million people play the guitar and many more want to learn. This rate of desire is highest among young people and those aged 18 to 34 are most excited to pick up the guitar. Despite the fact that the instrument is somewhat out […]
What should I look for in a guitar teacher for my child? One of the most important factors in guitar lessons for kids is finding the right teacher. The first qualities, you as a parent, have to look for in a guitar teacher is that they inspire your child and help them develop a profound […]
Keep your practice motivation going 2020 Chances are that you are either struggling to find the motivation to practice the guitar or you have struggled with this issue in the past. The topic of guitar practice motivation is highly misunderstood among many guitar players. Some believe that motivation is something you can get from outside […]
5 benefits of music lessons Learning to play an instrument can help your child fine-tune his or her ear and enhance skills needed for education and social interaction. Between soccer and scouts, your school-aged child’s schedule is loaded with activities. If you’re on the fence about adding music classes to the list, take note of […]
The guitar isn’t dead: How learning to play helps us live better lives Musicians are playing the guitar now more than ever but in new, innovative ways in today’s diverse, popular music landscape. We are in a new generation of young people who are discovering the popular instrument and taking it to completely new levels […]
Why do you want to learn to play the guitar? We’ve done articles about why you should learn to play the guitar and the many benefits it has on your body and mind. But, why do you want to learn to play? Maybe you are looking for a new hobby and the guitar just popped […]
Practice Guitar in the New Year with guitar lessons in Philadelphia from the David Joel Guitar Studio If you normally find yourself full of motivation to practice guitar but suddenly something happens that makes you feel less inspired to work on your guitar playing, the first thing you must do is get to the bottom […]
The history of the guitar The guitar is a plucked stringed musical instrument that probably originated in Spain early in the 16th century. It is derived from the guitarra latina, a late-medieval instrument with a waisted body and four strings. The early guitar was narrower and deeper than the modern guitar, with a less pronounced […]
Mastering the guitar: Why finding the right instructor is the key to mastering the guitar The guitar is one of the most common instruments for beginner musicians. It’s fun to play, and with practice and dedication, most students can learn to play several easy songs rather quickly. David Joel teaches both acoustic guitar lessons and […]
Know what you know, improvise the rest When you are learning how to play the guitar, you don’t know what you don’t know. As a result, most guitarists do not know what they need to practice and in what order to reach their goals. This often leads them to try to teach themselves how to […]
Guitar maintenance Guitar maintenance is an extremely important topic. It’s often overlooked because we guitarists want to get straight to playing! But you need a functional, working guitar in good condition to perform in the first place. Taking maintenance seriously means you get the best out of your instrument, have it sounding its best at […]
Guitar lessons for beginners in Philadelphia The guitar is a popular musical instrument that holds a special place in the hearts of people, young and old alike. It’s regarded as very cool to pose with a guitar just like your favorite rock star and strum along. Have you ever tried to pursue it and learn […]
The holidays are coming! If you are easing into the holidays and just now thinking about what to get people, think about any musical family or friends you have and give them the gift of music. So many people are crazy about music and want to learn to play an instrument. However, so many people […]
What you need to know after you buy a new guitar Congratulations! You got a new guitar! Now what? Intermediate and advanced players already know the drill. Pick the instrument up and get acquainted with the latest addition to your collection! However, if this is your first guitar, here are a few quick tips to […]
Get some advice before you learn to play the guitar It’s so great that you want to learn to play the guitar! Find a great guitar teacher in Philadelphia and get started! But, before you do, be advised that there is information you will be given by potential teachers or people in general. You may […]
Acoustic Guitar 101 Not all guitars are created equal. For starters, there is a big difference between the sound and look of an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar. And when you are just getting familiar with your acoustic guitar, it helps to know what those differences are. Learn about the parts of your acoustic […]
Top 8 reasons to play guitar Playing guitar is just about the best hobby you can have. If you already play electric or acoustic guitar and are looking for a little vindication of your obsession, or you are a beginner looking to find out whether you’ve chosen the right instrument, we have some validation for […]
How electricity changed the guitar forever Guitar players a century ago struggled to get their instrument heard. That all changed when a small group of inventors added something into the mix: electricity! Although inventors like George Breed had been experimenting with strings and electric currents to produce sound as far back as the 1890s, it […]
The trend of learning guitar The guitar is not a new instrument, nor a new trend. However, the trend of learning guitar is making a comeback in a big way. From online tutorials to one on one lessons, everyone, it seems, wants to learn to play. Ever wonder if you can do guitar lessons? If […]